Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Time to get Involved is NOW!!!

 The external enemies of education are those who wish to mine public education for as much profit as possible. This is not just a case of capitalism; it is the decision to return to a way of life in our distant past ( a way of life characterized by the denial of rights and inequality). It is an attempt to turn back the clock and destroy something (public education), which is an integral part of the American fabric. Free quality education has been and always will be the great equalizer.

 The most well known perpetrator, at the present time, is the American Legislative Exchange Council, (ALEC). The Trayvon Martin case, and Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law have publicized this organization. The Koch brothers and Wal-Mart are two of the largest contributors to this organization. This organization has been financing campaigns, training many state-level politicians, especially from Virginia, and ghost-writing public policy. The influence of this group of businesses has dramatically changed the character of Virginia. The passing of public education funds to private schools is one of their initiatives. The improved recognition and status of virtual schools is also from them. The undermining of public education, teachers, and teacher’s unions/ associations is their aim. The eroding of those institutions is the attempt to open the door for private education business ventures.

  Now, we need to be as determined to save our profession and the American way of life as they are determined to destroy public education. Sound the alarm, talk to your neighbors, and discuss it at PTA meetings, school board meetings, and other public venues. More importantly, we must hold our elected officials at every level accountable for even being associated with ALEC. They are not operating in our best interests or the state’s best interests. They only want what is best for business, and unfortunately that is at our expense. Now is not the time to not be political.

Sam Eure of YEA, District 19 President

Friday, May 4, 2012

New Business Adopted by Delegates

Policy Statement on Teacher Evaluation and Accountability
That the VEA adopt the attached Policy Statement on Teacher Evaluation and Accountability to remain in effect until and unless a new policy is adopted. (See
Attachment #1.) https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B1Vby_vZldujYnNmLU43eHdlVnc/edit?pli=1